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Learning & Loving It is a series featuring simple, yet fun educational activities for home learning and virtual, interactive tutoring.

LRC Learning and Loving It

LRC Learning & Loving It "I Spy" math card activity

I Spy




  • Second grade and higher
  • 2 or more players
  • Students will recognize numbers and practice addition

    One deck of playing cards

    Activity Overview

    In this game, face cards will equal 10. Aces will either be worth one or 11; decide this before you begin play.

    Goal: To use addition skills and number sense to recognize the equation that equals a specific number.

    1. Deal out all of the cards, face up, in a 13 x 4 array.
    2. Player 1 finds two cards next to each other, vertically or horizontally, to add to make a number. They do not share the two cards, just the number of their sum.
    “I spy two cards with a sum of…”
    3. Player 2 looks for the two cards that equal the sum that Player 1 named.
    4. Player 2 will take those two cards once they find them.
    5. Players will alternate, taking turns.
    6. After many turns, the array can be reformed to continue play.
    7. Players continue until there are no more equations that can be made.

    Variation: Play the game with multiplication instead of addition for advanced learners.
    “I spy two cards with a product of…”

    Check to see the video demonstration.

    Click for additional Learning & Loving It activities!

Learning & Loving It is a series featuring simple, yet fun educational activities for home learning and virtual, interactive tutoring.

LRC Learning and Loving It

Give me ten math card game

Give Me Ten




  • First grade and older
  • 2 or more players
  • Students will recognize numbers and practice basic addition

    One deck of playing cards

    Activity Overview

    Remove all face cards before playing. Aces are worth one.

    Objective: Players will take turns finding and removing combinations of cards that add to 10.

    1. Deal 10 cards face up.
    2. From the 10 cards, Player 1 will try to find as many card combinations (using two cards) that will add to 10.
    3. When there are no more combinations left, Player 1 will keep all of the cards used for their equations.
    4. If there is a 10 card, the player will take that card as well.
    5. Replace the cards that were removed so that there are ten cards face up again.
    6. Player 2 will take their turn.
    7. Alternate turns until a player reaches the decided score (1 card=1 point).

    The player with the most cards/points wins.

    Variation: Find three cards that add up to a target number (such as 20).

    Check to see the video demonstration.

    Click for additional Learning & Loving It activities!

Learning & Loving It is a series featuring simple, yet fun educational activities for home learning and virtual, interactive tutoring.

LRC Learning and Loving It

Hit the Target Math Card Game

Hit the Target




  • Second grade and up
  • 2 or more players
  • Students will recognize numbers and practice addition, subtraction, multiplication and/or division

    One deck of playing cards

    Activity Overview

    In this game, face cards will equal 10. Aces will either be worth one or 11; decide this before you begin play.

    Goal: To use as many of the five cards to equal the target number each round–at least two must be used or the player will lose their turn.

    1. Lay out five cards face up.
    2. Flip the next card, which will be the target number card for that round.
    3. Player 1 may add, subtract, multiply or divide using cards from the five to hit the target number.
    4. Player 1 will take all of the cards from their equations plus the target number card.
    5. Replace cards by flipping over five new ones and a new target number card for Player 2.
    6. Player 2 takes their turn.
    7. Players take turns until fewer than six cards remain.

    The player with the most cards wins.

    Check to see the video demonstration.

    Click for additional Learning & Loving It activities!

Learning & Loving It is a series featuring simple, yet fun educational activities for home learning and virtual, interactive tutoring.

LRC Learning and Loving It

Try this final game in our “Math Cards” series!

LRC LLI Math Cards Greatest Number

The Greatest Number


  • Third grade and up
  • 2 or more players
  • Students will recognize numbers, practice putting them in order from greatest to least, and identify place value.


    One deck of playing cards (with face cards removed)

    Activity Overview

    1. One player deals the cards evenly between the players. Players place their cards in a stack facedown in front of them.
    2. Each player turns over four cards.
    3. Players arrange their cards to make the greatest possible four-digit number.
    4. Players read their numbers aloud and decide which number is greater.
    5. The player with the greatest number wins all the cards from that round and places them in a separate pile.
    6. Play continues until all the cards have been used.
    7. The player with the most cards in their pile wins the game.
    Variation: Use three or five cards to create the number with the greatest value for lower or higher levels. Try creating the number with the least value instead.
    Check to see the video demonstration.
    Click for additional Learning & Loving It activities!

    Learning & Loving It is a series featuring simple, yet fun educational activities for home learning and virtual, interactive tutoring.

    LRC Learning and Loving It

    Try these two games in our “Math Cards” series!

    LRC LLI Math Cards What is the value

    What’s the Value?


  • For grades kindergarten through second
  • 1-2 players
  • Students will recognize numbers and practice counting as well as addition or subtraction if older.


    One deck of playing cards (with face cards removed); manipulatives (ex. beads, pennies, skittles, etc.)

    Activity Overview

    1. Have the first student turn over a card.
    2. The student will then count out the number of manipulatives represented by the number on the card.
    3. If there are two players, the second player takes their turn.
    Variation: Each player can also state the difference (subtraction), sum (addition) or product (multiplication), adding or removing tokens to reflect the amount, on their turn.
    LRC LLI Math Cards Card Countdown

    Card Countdown


  • For second grade and older
  • 2 players
  • Students will build automaticity with subtraction.


    Two decks of playing cards (without face cards); pencil; Card Countdown Sheet

    Activity Overview

    1. Each player takes a deck of cards. Players stack their cards face down.
    2. At the same time, players draw the top card from their piles.
    3. Players record their own number in the subtract column on the countdown sheet.
    4. They then subtract the value from 100 and record the difference at the top of the “=” column.
    5. Players continue to draw cards, subtract and record answers, working as quickly and accurately as possible at their own pace.
    6. Continue until either both reach zero or a negative number or, if racing, until the first player reaches zero or a negative number.
    Check to see the video demonstration.
    Click for additional Learning & Loving It activities!

    Learning & Loving It is a series featuring simple, yet fun educational activities for home learning and virtual, interactive tutoring.

    LRC Learning and Loving It

    Try these first two games in our “Math Cards” series!



    More or Less


  • For grades kindergarten through second
  • 1-2 players
  • Students will recognize numbers and practice greatest and least value.


    One deck of playing cards (with face cards removed)

    Activity Overview

    Using one deck of cards, players take turns turning over one card. The other player decides which card has the greatest or smallest value.
    Variation: The player can also state the difference (subtraction), sum (addition) or product (multiplication) of the values.
    LRC Learning & Loving It Math Battle Game

    Math Battle


  • For first grade and older
  • 2 players
  • Students will recognize numbers and practice basic addition and subtraction facts.


    One deck of playing cards (with or without face cards)

    Activity Overview

    1. If you’re using face cards, assign values to each (ex. Jack=11, Queen=12, King=13, Ace=1).
    2. One player deals the whole deck evenly with cards face down. Students do not look at cards.
    3. Each player flips two cards and adds (or subtracts or multiplies) the two numbers. Each student states his or her answer.
    4. The player with the highest sum (difference or product) wins the cards.
    Play for a set time, and the player with the most cards wins, or play until one player possess all the cards.
    Check to see the video demonstration.
    Click for additional Learning & Loving It activities!

    Learning & Loving It is a series featuring simple, yet fun educational activities for home learning and virtual, interactive tutoring.

    LRC Learning and Loving It

    “Egg-Citing” Egg Activities for Reading & Math

    Easter may be over, but don’t pack away those plastic eggs! We have “egg-citing” ideas for tutors, teachers and parents to use for learning.

    Supplies: Plastic eggs, Sharpie marker, optional word family list (see attachment)

    Spinning Eggs

    Spinning Egg

      For skills in both and reading and math

    • For reading practice, make these eggs using word families to build new words at the egg is turned.
    • Ex: the “_at” family and can use letters like “b” to make “bat” or “c” to make “cat”.
      Optional activities with spinning eggs:

    • Make eggs using math fact families such as “5+4=” and “3+6=” “9”
    • For competitive students, time them saying the words and have them try to beat their personal best


    Break-Apart Eggs

    Break Apart Eggs

      For skills in both reading and math

    • With this activity, you’ll write a word (or letter) on the top half and a word (or letter) on the lower half.
    • Ex: upper/lower case letters, synonyms/antonyms, compound words, contractions, math facts, number recognition, etc.
      Then, you’ll break the eggs apart and either mix them up or hid the halves and have students match them to put them back together again.

    Download your word family list here.
    See the demonstration on Facebook.
    Click for additional Learning & Loving It activities!

    Learning & Loving It is a series featuring simple, yet fun educational activities for home learning and virtual, interactive tutoring.

    LRC Learning and Loving It
    Beach Ball Toss
    1. Take a medium or small beach ball; Inflate and write the following on each panel or section of the ball with permanent marker:

      a. Who?

      b. What?

      c. Where?

      d. When?

      e. How?

      f. Why?

    2. Read the whole or a portion of a text—fiction or non-fiction.
    3. The Player tosses the ball into the air and catches it with both hands. He or she then looks to see the questions touched by each thumb, selects one, and answers the question. For more than one player, the ball is tossed to another player who after answering the question tosses the ball to the next player.
    4. Points can be awarded to determine a final score.
    Note: If the player is playing alone and the answer is unknown or thought to be incorrect, the player may refer to the text or passage to find the correct answer. This game works well with a variety of different subjects and applications.

  • Beach Ball Toss Instructions
    Tried it? Share how it worked for you or add any suggestions on our Facebook page: LRCPolk.
    Click for additional Learning & Loving It activities!

    Learning & Loving It is a series featuring simple, yet fun educational activities for home learning and virtual, interactive tutoring.

    LRC Learning and Loving It
    LRC Math Bingo
    1. Create the Bingo components:

    master card, player’s card, individual pieces, tokens (can be markers, bottle caps, paper clips, poker chips, pennies, etc.)

    2. Set Rules: Bingo can be—

      a. Straight: 5 spaces are covered with a token in a straight line—across, down, diagonal

      b. Full House: Every space is covered with a token

      c. Picture Frame: Spaces in outside borders are covered with a token

      d. Other variations, such as the cross, the X.

    3. To Start: Player places token on Free Space; caller places individual pieces in a container, such as a Solo Cup, and thoroughly mixes.

    4. Caller draws an individual piece, and player places token on the matching space on his player’s card.

    5. Player shouts out “Bingo” when pre-determined spaces are covered
    Note: This game works incredibly well with children (and adults) of all ages– sight vocabulary words for the younger child; math facts and algebra problems or science for the middle school student; or foreign languages or history facts for the older student. It can be played with partners or groups. Students have fun creating their own cards and pieces.

  • Download a blank BINGO board here.
  • Click here to download a sample BINGO card. 

    Tried it? Share how it worked for you or add any suggestions on our Facebook page: LRCPolk.
    Click for additional Learning & Loving It activities!

  • Learning & Loving It is a series featuring simple, yet fun educational activities for home learning and virtual, interactive tutoring.

    LRC Learning and Loving It

    Step by step instructions for using a cootie catcher (or fortune teller)

    LRC Cootie Catcher

      1. Take a single piece of paper, fold, and label–Click for diagram
      2. Poke your thumbs and forefingers under the flaps.
      3. Bring your fingers together so the Cootie Catcher forms a peak.
      4. Pick a color and spell it out, moving the catcher vertically and horizontally with your fingers for each letter.
      5. Pick a number and count it out, moving the catcher vertically and horizontally with your fingers for each number.
      6. Pick a number and lift the corresponding flap and answer the question.
      7. Repeat steps 3-5.

    Note: Cootie Catchers are great for reading comprehension questions, vocabulary words and definitions, formulas, math facts, geography, science, and history.

    Tried it? Share how it worked for you or add any suggestions on our Facebook page: LRCPolk.
    Click for additional Learning & Loving It activities!