The Learning Resource Center’s GED Preparation Course helps change lives by preparing adult students studying for the GED, working to shape their futures, to pass each subject-area exam.

Next Course
We are currently enrolling for the next course which will focus on Science. The class will begin on Tuesday, March 2, and will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. through Thursday, March 25.
Where to Register
Please register by calling the Learning Resource Center at 863-688-9477.
About LRC’s GED Prep Program
The Learning Resource Center’s GED Preparation Course helps change lives by preparing adult students studying for the GED, working to shape their futures, to pass each subject-area exam.
This course is designed to help students achieve their best possible score by providing small classes with a highly-trained instructor; problem-solving strategies for analyzing and answering GED questions; practice taking GED exams; emphasis on test-taking techniques and strategies specific to the GED that help build confidence and reduce test anxiety.
The GED test is comprised of four subjects created to test students’ skills and knowledge in different topics. The four subjects are:
I. Math– Quantitative & algebraic problem solving
II. Science– Life science, physical science, earth and space science
III. Social Studies– Civics and government, U.S. history, economics, geography and
the world
IV. Reasoning Through Language Arts– Ability to read closely, write clearly, and edit/understand written text
The courses are held virtually. All subjects take place over four weeks except for math, which is eight weeks.
Each subject course costs $25. Scholarships may be available based on need.