Learning & Loving It: Cootie Catcher
Learning & Loving It is a series featuring simple, yet fun educational activities for home learning and virtual, interactive tutoring.
Step by step instructions for using a cootie catcher (or fortune teller)
1. Take a single piece of paper, fold, and label–Click for diagram
2. Poke your thumbs and forefingers under the flaps.
3. Bring your fingers together so the Cootie Catcher forms a peak.
4. Pick a color and spell it out, moving the catcher vertically and horizontally with your fingers for each letter.
5. Pick a number and count it out, moving the catcher vertically and horizontally with your fingers for each number.
6. Pick a number and lift the corresponding flap and answer the question.
7. Repeat steps 3-5.
Note: Cootie Catchers are great for reading comprehension questions, vocabulary words and definitions, formulas, math facts, geography, science, and history.
Tried it? Share how it worked for you or add any suggestions on our Facebook page: LRCPolk.
Click for additional Learning & Loving It activities!