Learning & Loving It: BINGO
Learning & Loving It is a series featuring simple, yet fun educational activities for home learning and virtual, interactive tutoring.
1. Create the Bingo components:
master card, player’s card, individual pieces, tokens (can be markers, bottle caps, paper clips, poker chips, pennies, etc.)
2. Set Rules: Bingo can be—
a. Straight: 5 spaces are covered with a token in a straight line—across, down, diagonal
b. Full House: Every space is covered with a token
c. Picture Frame: Spaces in outside borders are covered with a token
d. Other variations, such as the cross, the X.
3. To Start: Player places token on Free Space; caller places individual pieces in a container, such as a Solo Cup, and thoroughly mixes.
4. Caller draws an individual piece, and player places token on the matching space on his player’s card.
5. Player shouts out “Bingo” when pre-determined spaces are covered
Note: This game works incredibly well with children (and adults) of all ages– sight vocabulary words for the younger child; math facts and algebra problems or science for the middle school student; or foreign languages or history facts for the older student. It can be played with partners or groups. Students have fun creating their own cards and pieces.
Tried it? Share how it worked for you or add any suggestions on our Facebook page: LRCPolk.
Click for additional Learning & Loving It activities!