The Camp READY! sites located in Frostproof (at Frostproof Church of God) and Lake Wales (at First United Methodist Church) opened their doors to excited rising and struggling kindergartners this week. Through creative experential activities, five- and six-year-olds express, practice, investigate, and create. Both Camps are funded with LRC’s United Way of Central Florida allocation.
This successful summer program is designed to prepare both rising and repeating kindergartners for academic success through hands-on, experiential learning centers featuring art, music and movement, cooking, and reading readiness centers. Camp READY! builds pre-reading skills while also providing a safety net to allow children more time to continue motor, social and cognitive development. On average, Camp READY! students who attend the full program demonstrate learning gains of SEVEN months in vocabulary development from pre- to post-assessment. The cost of Camp READY! is $25.00. For families with documented financial need, scholarships are available.
For more on Camp READY! and to find other camp sites throughout Polk County, please visit our blogs Camp READY! Prepares Kindergartners for Achievement and Eight Fun Facts About Camp READY!.
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