Tag Archive for: first day of school

Click for 2020-2021 dates


Find Polk County Public School dates (first and last days, student holidays and early release days) here! Scroll down for a list of significant calendar dates for your PCSB student.
From Polk County Public Schools:
Coronavirus Information
Schools are closed through May 1. District offices are also closed to the public through May 1. Limited PCPS staff will be present. PCPS Telephone calls will be managed from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. School offices are open by appointment only. Please call your school to make an appointment.
Distance learning for students will be underway for all students by Thursday, April 2. Teachers will contact students and parents with more information. Learn more about distance learning at PCPS by visiting polkschoolsfl.com/icp.


Photo by Plush Design Studio from Pexels


August 12 (Monday) First day of school
September 2 (Monday) School Holiday- Labor Day
September 11 (Wednesday) EARLY RELEASE DAY
September 16 (Monday) Student Holiday
October 14 (Monday) Student Holiday
October 23 (Wednesday) EARLY RELEASE DAY
November 6 (Wednesday) EARLY RELEASE DAY
November 11 (Monday) School Holiday – Veterans’ Day
November 25-29 (Mon-Fri) School Holiday – Thanksgiving Break
December 23-January 3 School Holiday – Winter Break



January 6 (Monday) First day back after Winter Break
January 15 (Wednesday) EARLY RELEASE DAY
January 20 (Monday) School Holiday – MLK, Jr. Day
February 5 (Wednesday) EARLY RELEASE DAY
February 17 (Monday) School Holiday – Presidents’ Day
March 11 (Wednesday) EARLY RELEASE DAY
March 23-27 (Mon-Fri) School Holiday – Spring Break
April 10 (Friday) Student Holiday
April 22 (Wednesday) EARLY RELEASE DAY
May 25 (Monday) School Holiday – Memorial Day
May 28 (Thursday) Last day of school

For more information on the school calendar, upcoming events or Polk school information, please visit the Polk County Public Schools website where we obtained this information.
Please contact LRC for your virtual tutoring needs or assistance with your child’s school packets. We can help virtually!
For online resources, please visit LRC Online Academic Resources.

If you feel that your child needs help, please do not hesitate to contact us to set up One-to-One Tutoring.