A message from LRC Executive Director regarding COVID-19
“Our number one job is to keep YOU safe” is the forever mantra of all Learning Resource Center programs and personnel. As we vigilantly monitor each day’s events due to COVID-19, the LRC staff would like to share an update on LRC services and to affirm our commitment to you. Containment measures for Coronavirus have halted and suspended 90 percent of the LRC academic programs. Due to the closure of schools and many public locations, we are researching initiatives to continue serving our students. One option is for tutors to provide services through virtual tutoring using Google Hangout, Skype, Facetime or Zoom to accommodate their students. If you are an LRC tutor and would like additional information about these tools or have questions, please contact LRC. We realize that every situation is unique and this may not suit all families.
LRC Staff will remain working on a day-to-day basis, but the LRC Office will be closed to the public at the current time.
Preparations and work for Summer 2020 programs continue and will be extremely important for both students and the organization.
Please contact us (863-688-9477) with whatever concerns or questions with which LRC might assist.
For LRC updates, please check back here or follow us on social media, Facebook & Twitter, for more timely messages.