Tag Archive for: LRC Lakeland

The 2015 sales tax holiday will begin on Friday, August 7, 2015 and continue through Sunday, August 16, 2015. That’s right! This year’s tax-free holiday will last for ten days, allowing shoppers ample time to purchase the products they’ll need for the upcoming school year without paying sales tax.
As with the extended length of the tax-free period, other changes will take effect this 2015 holiday.
Clothing and certain accessories up to $100 each will apply, while shoes are also eligible, but must cost no more than $100 per pair. Certain school supplies selling for $15 or less per item, such as pens, pencils, folders, and calculators will be eligible, but items such as staplers and computer paper will not be included. The first $750 of the sales price for computers and certain computer-related accessories (purchased for noncommercial home or personal use) will also be eligible.
For those who prefer online shopping to in-store shopping, eligible purchases through the Internet during the sales tax holiday will also be exempt.
While the stores will participate, the ten-day tax holiday does not apply to theme parks, entertainment complexes, public lodging establishments, and airports.
For more on tax exempt items and qualifying purchases, please visit the Florida Department of Revenue’s site at http://dor.myflorida.com/Pages/default.aspx.

In the month of June, Learning Resource Center students received 681 hours of tutoring bringing the Year-To-Date Total to 12,750 hours. New and ongoing students tutored during the month of June equaled 156 students, with the Year-to-Date Total at 835 students.
June 2015 Tutoring Hours infographic


Thanks to all of our tutors and students for your time, efforts, and hard work. It’s paying off!


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May 2015 Tutoring Report