A site visit is worth a thousand written words.

Meat trays filled with colored sand offer many multi-sensory activities to teach skills, concepts, and vocabulary.
LRC had the privilege and honor to host two of United Way of Central Florida’s Community Investment Teams on Tuesday, April 12 and Wednesday, April 13. These 14 volunteers are charged with deciding allocations for LRC in 2016-2017. LRC Staff engaged the guests in interactive learning centers to inform and emphasize need, application, and impact of two UWCF funded programs—Camp READY! and Academic Assistance.

A fun center used to inform UWCF CIT visitors about LRC’s test prep offerings.
Thank you to UWCF CIT as well as the LRC board members who showed up to cheer on and support—
Joyce Barclay, Lisa Burton, Mike Carter, Tamme Goble, Dr. Sandy Hightower, Morgan Holmes, Dick Pelligrini, Becky Troutman, and Jean Bunch (LRC Advisory Board).