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Director’s Thoughts – January/February 2021

January-February Edition

LRC Director's Throughts graphicLRC Director's Throughts graphic

The future faculty of a new elementary school developed a list of accomplishments for which they wanted to work and gain with their students. Can you guess what rose to Number One? To be kind!

These are indeed critical times in the lives of our children. Families had to cope with the effects of COVID; schools had to pause and rearrange; parents had to assist with navigating online learning; and communities had to come together to provide food and housing. But, there is an end, a tomorrow, a future. If “to be kind” is at the top of each of our lists, we can start right now at getting on with the days and ways in which our children can thrive once again.

And, just a reminder as the First Semester of 2020-2021 comes to an end, the Learning Resource Center is poised and ready to help in any way possible so that every child (or adult) can be as successful in school as he or she can be. LRC continues to honor deeply discounted rates until the end of the school year. United Way of Central Florida has extended its allocation. In the past few months, donors have been kind and generous, building up the LRC scholarship fund so that deserving students can receive the additional academic help that they need. We Can Help!

Read past editions of “Director’s Thoughts”:
December 2020
November 2020
October 2020
September 2020



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