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Learning & Loving It: Give Me Ten Math Card Game

Learning & Loving It is a series featuring simple, yet fun educational activities for home learning and virtual, interactive tutoring.

LRC Learning and Loving ItLRC Learning and Loving It

Give me ten math card gameGive me ten math card game

Give Me Ten




  • First grade and older
  • 2 or more players
  • Students will recognize numbers and practice basic addition

  • Supplies:

    One deck of playing cards

    Activity Overview

    Remove all face cards before playing. Aces are worth one.

    Objective: Players will take turns finding and removing combinations of cards that add to 10.

    1. Deal 10 cards face up.
    2. From the 10 cards, Player 1 will try to find as many card combinations (using two cards) that will add to 10.
    3. When there are no more combinations left, Player 1 will keep all of the cards used for their equations.
    4. If there is a 10 card, the player will take that card as well.
    5. Replace the cards that were removed so that there are ten cards face up again.
    6. Player 2 will take their turn.
    7. Alternate turns until a player reaches the decided score (1 card=1 point).

    The player with the most cards/points wins.

    Variation: Find three cards that add up to a target number (such as 20).

    Check to see the video demonstration.

    Click for additional Learning & Loving It activities!


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