United Way

LRC Presents 2018 Summer Programs

Summer break is here! It has been shown that the majority of students may lose about two months of skills…

7 years ago

2016 Fall Festivals & Halloween Events in Polk County

Look no further for fall fun! Search our list of Polk County’s 2016 Halloween happenings and autumn festivities taking place…

8 years ago

“I’m not going to sing!” – A Tale of Success at Camp READY!

By Christine Sikorski, 2016 Bartow Camp READY! Teacher We first saw ridiculously adorable and compact, little Maddox with messy sandy…

8 years ago

UWCF CIT Visits Provide LRC Opportunities

A site visit is worth a thousand written words.   LRC had the privilege and honor to host two of…

9 years ago

Volunteers Give Back During UWCF Day of Caring 2016

United Way of Central Florida and Polk Kiwanis Clubs brought the community together to give back during National Volunteer Week.…

9 years ago