
LRC Students Received 3,587 Hours of Tutoring in April and May 2017

In the month of April, Learning Resource Center students received 1,702 hours of tutoring, with a Year-To-Date Total of 10,617…

8 years ago

LRC Students Received 2,565 Hours of Tutoring in February-March

In the month of February, Learning Resource Center students received 1,205 hours of tutoring, with a Year-To-Date Total of 7,555…

8 years ago

LRC Students Received 1,061 Hours of Tutoring in January

In the month of January, Learning Resource Center students received 1,061 hours of tutoring, with a Year-To-Date Total of 6,340…

8 years ago

LRC Surpasses 2016 Giving Match Goal

We, at the Learning Resource Center, want to thank this wonderful community. We are truly grateful for each penny, email,…

8 years ago

LRC Students Received 1,135 Hours of Tutoring in October

In the month of October, Learning Resource Center students received 1,135 hours of tutoring, with a Year-To-Date Total of 3,043…

8 years ago

LRC Students Received 1,311 Hours of Tutoring in August-September

In the month of August, Learning Resource Center students received 510 hours of tutoring, starting the Year-To-Date Total at 1,107…

8 years ago

LRC’s Fall is Shaping Up to Be a Productive Semester

"School bells are ringing, loud and clear; vacation's over, school is here..." This fall is shaping up to be another…

8 years ago

LRC Students Received 597 Hours of Tutoring in July

In the month of July, Learning Resource Center students received 597 hours of tutoring, starting the Year-To-Date Total at 597…

9 years ago

Excel with LRC’s Fall Enrichment Programs

Each school year brings both challenges and opportunities to many students. The Learning Resource Center of Polk County will offer…

9 years ago

LRC Students Received 1,855 Hours of Tutoring in April

In the month of April, Learning Resource Center students received 1,855 hours of tutoring, bringing the Year-To-Date Total to 11,866…

9 years ago