Polk County School Board

Polk 2017-2018 Schools Dates to Remember

POLK COUNTY 2017-2018 SCHOOL CALENDAR Curious about Polk County Public School dates such as the first and last days, student…

8 years ago

LRC’s Fall is Shaping Up to Be a Productive Semester

"School bells are ringing, loud and clear; vacation's over, school is here..." This fall is shaping up to be another…

8 years ago

Polk 2016-2017 Schools Dates to Remember

POLK COUNTY 2016-2017 SCHOOL CALENDAR 2016 August 15 First day of school September 5 School Holiday- Labor Day September 14…

9 years ago

Polk County School Dates to Remember

Please click here to find 2016-2017 school dates POLK COUNTY 2015-2016 SCHOOL CALENDAR 2015 August 24 First day of school…

10 years ago