Lake Wales

Now Enrolling: Camp READY! Summer 2016

Camp READY! dates are set for Summer 2016.   If you have a rising or repeating kindergartner, make sure they’re…

9 years ago

Celebrate the Season with a Full Month of Holiday Events

Are you looking for 2015 holiday events in Polk County this December? We've compiled a list of fun, holiday events…

9 years ago

LRC Offers a Summer Kaleidoscope of Learning

A look at LRC’s 2015 Summer   Every June brings an incredible array of educational adventures to the always-open doors…

10 years ago

10 Facts you may not know about LRC

1. 2015 marks LRC’s 40th year as a non-profit providing high quality academic programs designed to help all students maximize…

10 years ago

Camp READY! 2015 is “On Go”

The Camp READY! sites located in Frostproof (at Frostproof Church of God) and Lake Wales (at First United Methodist Church) opened their…

10 years ago

Eight Fun Facts about Camp READY!

1. Camp READY! is a school readiness program for rising and repeating kindergarten students, and provides hands-on, multi-sensory learning experiences…

10 years ago

Camp READY! Prepares Kindergartners for Achievement

Do you have a little one who will be entering kindergarten in August 2015? Have you heard of Camp READY!,…

10 years ago