high school

Now Enrolling Fall 2019 Enrichment Courses

Join us this fall semester for our enrichment courses and one-to-one tutoring service.     SAT Prep What: The Learning…

6 years ago

LRC Presents 2018 Summer Programs

Summer break is here! It has been shown that the majority of students may lose about two months of skills…

7 years ago

Achieve with LRC’s 2017 Fall Enrichment Programs

Begin the new school year on the path to success with the Learning Resource Center's fall enrichment programs and services.…

8 years ago

Polk 2017-2018 Schools Dates to Remember

POLK COUNTY 2017-2018 SCHOOL CALENDAR Curious about Polk County Public School dates such as the first and last days, student…

8 years ago

LRC Offers Summer Programs for All Grade Levels

LRC is rolling out its lineup of 2017 summer enrichment programs for kindergarten through high school grade levels.   Scroll…

8 years ago

2017 ACT & SAT Dates in One Place

To ensure that you're prepared for the ACT and/or SAT, we've compiled a list of the 2017 dates and deadlines…

8 years ago

Excel with LRC’s Fall Enrichment Programs

Each school year brings both challenges and opportunities to many students. The Learning Resource Center of Polk County will offer…

9 years ago

LRC Goes to Collegiate High School

LRC offered ACT Prep and College & Career Planning to COL students Two views of Dr. Jenny Reed's ACT Prep…

9 years ago

Polk 2016-2017 Schools Dates to Remember

POLK COUNTY 2016-2017 SCHOOL CALENDAR 2016 August 15 First day of school September 5 School Holiday- Labor Day September 14…

9 years ago

LRC Programs Sizzle

The Learning Resource Center's Summer 2016 opened with a bang! Here is just a snapshot of the programs, in addition…

9 years ago