
Winter Haven PEP Center Seeks Volunteers to Assist Elementary Students

PEP needs you! The PEP after-school elementary program is a collaboration between the Learning Resource Center of Polk County, Inc.…

9 years ago

Polk County School Dates to Remember

Please click here to find 2016-2017 school dates POLK COUNTY 2015-2016 SCHOOL CALENDAR 2015 August 24 First day of school…

10 years ago

LRC Offers a Summer Kaleidoscope of Learning

A look at LRC’s 2015 Summer   Every June brings an incredible array of educational adventures to the always-open doors…

10 years ago

10 Facts you may not know about LRC

1. 2015 marks LRC’s 40th year as a non-profit providing high quality academic programs designed to help all students maximize…

10 years ago

Catch the Summer Spirit with Super Summer Success

We are inviting all elementary-level students, grades K-5, to join us this summer for our Super Summer Success program. June and…

10 years ago

Gear Up For a Summer of Success

Summer break has arrived! While many think of summer as a time when studies come to a halt and unbridled…

10 years ago