
Gain Success in Reading at Camp Rockin’ READ!

The Learning Resource Center has added a new elementary program to its summer lineup. Camp Rockin’ READ! is designed to…

7 years ago

Achieve with LRC’s 2017 Fall Enrichment Programs

Begin the new school year on the path to success with the Learning Resource Center's fall enrichment programs and services.…

8 years ago

Polk 2017-2018 Schools Dates to Remember

POLK COUNTY 2017-2018 SCHOOL CALENDAR Curious about Polk County Public School dates such as the first and last days, student…

8 years ago

#KeepKidsLearning at Super Summer Success

Your elementary student can gain important skills in reading and math at LRC’s Super Summer Success. Keep kids learning over…

8 years ago

LRC Offers Summer Programs for All Grade Levels

LRC is rolling out its lineup of 2017 summer enrichment programs for kindergarten through high school grade levels.   Scroll…

8 years ago

Camp Discovery to Provide Students Learning Adventures at All Saints Academy

Looking for a program that won’t just keep your child busy, but will provide them with academic adventures this June?…

8 years ago

Polk 2016-2017 Schools Dates to Remember

POLK COUNTY 2016-2017 SCHOOL CALENDAR 2016 August 15 First day of school September 5 School Holiday- Labor Day September 14…

9 years ago

Now Enrolling: Elementary Summer Programs

Make sure that your kids are not only busy this summer, but that they’re busy learning! Prevent summer learning loss…

9 years ago

Winter Break Activities for Students of All Ages

School is out, and winter break is here! Don't let boredom get you (or your child down) this holiday season.…

9 years ago

Plan Ahead with LRC’s Schedule of 2016 Programs

The new year will soon be upon us! Take a look at the upcoming courses and dates we have planned…

9 years ago