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Polk 2017-2018 Schools Dates to Remember


Curious about Polk County Public School dates such as the first and last days, student holidays and early release days? Interested in finding out assessment dates for the 2017-2018 school year? Scroll down to find a list of significant calendar dates affecting your PCSB student.
freepik back to school calendarfreepik back to school calendar
Graphic by Freepik


August 10 First day of school
September 4 School Holiday- Labor Day
September 18 Student Holiday
October 16 Student Holiday
November 10 School Holiday – Veterans’ Day
November 20-24 School Holiday – Thanksgiving Break
December 22-January 3 School Holiday – Winter Break



January 4 First day back after Winter Break
January 15 School Holiday – MLK, Jr. Day
February 19 School Holiday – Presidents’ Day
March 26-30 School Holiday – Spring Break
May 24 Last day of school

Please note that Oct. 11, 2017, Nov. 15, 2017, Jan. 24, 2018, Feb. 7, 2018, March 14, 2018 and May 16, 2018 were originally Early Release Days. Due to Hurricane Irma, these days are now regular full days.
For more information on the school calendar, upcoming events or Polk school information, please visit the Polk County Public Schools website where we obtained this information.

2017-2018 Assessment Schedule


Date, Assessment, ,
September 18-October 6, FSA EOC Algebra 1; Geometry
September 18-October 20, NGSSS EOC Biology 1; Civics; U.S. History
November 27-December 15, FSA EOC Algebra 1; Geometry, NGSSS EOC Biology 1; Civics; U.S. History
March 1-9, FSA ELA Writing
April 9-May 11, FSA ELA Reading
April 16-May 11, FSA Math
April 16-May 11, FSA EOC Algebra 1; Geometry, NGSSS EOC Biology 1; Civics; U.S. History
April 30-May 4, NGSSS Science (5th & 8th)
July 17-21, FSA EOC Algebra 1; Geometry, NGSSS EOC Biology 1; Civics; U.S. History
Click for more Polk County testing information.

If you feel that your child needs help preparing for these assessments, please do not hesitate to contact us to set up One-to-One Tutoring.



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