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PigFest 2018 Event Info

The 22nd Annual Lakeland PigFest is almost here!


The festival will open to the public on Friday, January 26, 2018 from 5-10 p.m. and Saturday, January 27, 2018 from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. at SUN ‘n FUN in Lakeland.
Unlike in years past, there will be no fee for parking. Instead, there will be a $2.00 admission fee per person. Children 12 and under will be admitted for free. Once inside, stop by a Pig Bucks tent and exchange your cash for Pig Bucks. Purchasing food from competition teams, will support their efforts as well as local charities like LRC.
The competition will heat up with the Kingsford Professional BBQ (sanctioned by the Kansas City Barbecue Society), Publix Super Markets Backyard and Badcock Kids-Q events. There will also be plenty of entertainment featuring kids’ games, simulator racecars and live music.
LRC Belk Charity Sale 2017LRC Belk Charity Sale 2017
Visit for more information.


What attendees may not realize is that PigFest takes hundreds of volunteers and thousands of volunteer hours to help carry out the event, and local nonprofits, such as the Learning Resource Center, partner to provide the needed amount of volunteers. PigFest then gives every dollar raised back to the community!
By granting the Learning Resource Center opportunities and funds based on service hours, PigFest has helped provide academic assistance and highly-qualified tutors to help students succeed and has also enabled LRC to meet the needs of students, parents and the community by aiding in the expenses of daily operation. The effect this annual barbeque festival has had on LRC reaches every aspect of the organization. Those who received any service from LRC in 2017 were impacted by its support.


If you are interested in assisting at the event, please click: VOLUNTEER AT PIGFEST.
LRC will provide volunteers for shifts taking place in the judging, team breakfast, VIP party and golf cart shuttle areas on Wednesday, January 24-Saturday, January 27, 2018. To view the available shifts and to register, please click the above link.
We look forward to seeing you there! Whether you’re a competitor, attendee or volunteer, it’s sure be a fun weekend.


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