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LRC Surpasses 2016 Giving Match Goal

We, at the Learning Resource Center, want to thank this wonderful community. We are truly grateful for each penny, email, Facebook post, article, mention, phone call and invitation that brought us to the total donation of $5,940.00.
The Giving Match 2016 campaign began on November 29, 2016, also known as #GivingTuesday which is a national day designated for giving, and continued through Friday, December 2, 2016. Over those four days, the Polk County community came together, helping our organization earn more than $5,000. Libertore Fund for Children, a local organization with a mission to make a difference in the lives of at-risk children, matched each amount, dollar-for-dollar, up to $5,000 thanks to an anonymous donor.
On Tuesday, December 6, Lana Swartzwelder of the Libertore Fund for Children presented a check with the Fund’s match of $5,000.00 for an amazing total of $10,940.00.
The monies are now earmarked for a new server to replace our rebuilt, 10-year old equipment. Rarely is LRC able to use contract or grant funds for capital needs. It is only through an opportunity like this that we can update or replace the infrastructure that highly correlates with quality service, valuable programs, successful clients and fiscally-sound management.
Two years ago, the AdvancED/SACS Accreditation Team noted that technology (server included) was the one glaring need for improvement in an otherwise highly stellar evaluation report. If it were not for you and your generosity, this nonprofit would not be able to continue to make the differences in lives as it has done every day for 41 years. We truly appreciate YOU!
– Dr. Pamela Craven, LRC Executive Director
From left to right: Sherri Diaz, Marilyn Worthington, Dr. Pam Craven, Lana Swartzwelder (Libertore Fund for Children), Becky Troutman, Joyce Barclay, Lisa Burton, Morgan Holmes, Dr. Shandale Terrell, Tamme Goble, Elsa Nail and Annie Sullivan.

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